Monday, August 27, 2012

BitTorrent Torque - Torrents in your browser

The customer is no longer needed to download files from BitTorrent network. From now on, you can download them directly in your browser.
Until now, in order to efficiently download files from BitTorrent network was needed for this one of the clients of the network, which for the less savvy internet users may have a problem. Now it's just a web browser, and a new project BitTorrent torque, which is up in the hands of users in alpha version. This project uses the new library Btapp.js and allows developers to create a wide range of applications to share files by web browsers.
While downloading the same torrent by the browser is not new, because Opera has introduced such a feature less than 5 years ago, and the other browsers are suitable plug-ins, a BitTorrent went a step further.
At the moment there are two applications, based on Torque. One of them is an extension for Chrome that allows users to download torrent files as if they were normal files.
The second tool, called Paddle Over a Web site through which users can easily share files with other users via any web browser. You can share files with selected, specific person or many people.

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