That was quick. After the less than a month ago, Facebook had bought for about $ 60 million Israeli company dedicated to facial recognition, announced that within 30 days longer to share their APIs.
In an email sent to developers, you can read that:
We are excited that we can begin to work with our friends on your Facebook. Part of this process is to close all other products and services that we will not be able to support, among them API for developers.
A little at odds with the statement, which was released at a time when the transaction was announced:
Many developers use technology to create a great variety of applications and products. You are wonderful. Our plans are to continue to support our developer community.
Now, the future of "great products" is questionable because it is rather unlikely that Facebook was interested in sharing with anyone face recognition technology. Until now, Facebook was the largest licensee of technology. If you do not want it exclusive, it does not seem at $ 60 million and, as a new owner, he had not quit functioning API.
In addition, announced that their own application Klick will be removed from the App Store. So it seems that developers have become accidental victims of the arms race Facebook. Many of them are therefore strongly embittered. And it's hard to see why - Zuckerberg wasted many months of work. Now they are left with no choice but to find an alternative.
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