Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Facebook reads your chat. Checks whether the you are bragging about  a committed a crime

According to the report, Facebook and other social networking sites searching our private conversations in search of evidence of crimes committed or potential. In an interview with Reuters, the head of security tells the story of Facebook user activity monitoring software, the most popular social networking site. Of course, our conversations do not follow the physical person who read every word we say. There is to this specialized software, monitoring chat rooms and capture individual keywords or entire phrases that may indicate the nucleus undesirable situation. Software focuses on unusual k0nekcjach, controlling a larger way interactions between strangers in chat, people with a significant age difference of potential crime, etc. The detector is also well aware of the slang in the world of crime, therefore, able to detect even incomprehensible to the blacksmith expression.
After detecting some undesirable phrases, the software informs employees of Facebook, who then assess whether the matter should be dealt with the police, or event is not dangerous.



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