Monday, August 27, 2012

Facebook will collect data on what we do in our applications?

The entire business model of Facebook is based on information collected from users. This allows you to display a very personalized ads for which advertisers are willing to pay a lot of money. Facebook, however, how far he goes in collecting this information? Far - the world's largest social network would like to introduce a mechanism to ads depends on the application which uses the mobile user.
With Facebook Connect mechanism Menlo Park already knows what sites its users log on and take this into account when displaying ads. The new system would have to go one step further - Facebook wants its users to check what they are doing in applications and on websites to which log in with Facebook Connect. Selected on the basis of these data would be displayed ads in the Facebook mobile application.
Other companies, such as Google and Apple, also gather information on mobile applications, but completely different approach to serve ads on this basis. Apple reserves the right to certain ads based on applications downloaded from the App Store and iTunes, while Google, but has the same data on Google Play, do not do it at all. However, none of these corporations does not collect data on what users are doing in these applications.
Fortunately, the final decision has been made yet, but considering that it is the expected decrease in revenue from ads shown on mobile devices has caused a stir around the Facebook IPO, it can be expected that the management of the company in favor of the idea.

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