Sunday, August 26, 2012

It's the end iGoogle

As part of the consolidation policy, Google has consistently closed the service, which Larry deems unnecessary. Mountain View announced yesterday that will be closed include iGoogle and Google Video.

iGoogle finished his life on Nov. 1, 2013, is so still plenty of time to export your data. Google believes that since 2005, when launched, the service, the network, and how to use it have changed so much that iGoogle is no longer needed. However, Google Video will no longer closed on August 20. The service has long been overshadowed by YouTube to such an extent as to be surprised that Google closes it until now.

Another service that is a thing of the past Symbian Google Search app, Google Talk and Google Mini Chatback. Some of the features offered by other Google services, part of it is simply unnecessary.

List of services that Google has decided to shut down in recent months, so has increased following 5 items. By the way, closed list of services (about 30 items) already is longer than the list of services provided by many other companies.

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