Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The hard drive, which will last one million years

Hard drives, well cared for, withstand even several years. French scientists have tried to increase slightly this time. Made of sapphire drive strength for millions of years. Maybe one of us will be a little more than ruins of the archaeological ...
The disc was created by the agency ANDRA, which deals with the management of nuclear waste. The cost of producing a single disc is $ 25,000. To write data using platinum etchings. The drive consists of two discs with a diameter of 20 cm.
The disk does not store digital data. It is able to accommodate 40 000 miniature pages to read with just a good microscope. According to the simulation, the disk should stand about a million years. The French are already working on a version that will last up to 10 million years.
Drive is to inform our future generations that at a given location is the site of radioactive waste, as well as provide information for what they are and how to handle them.

ディスクは、デジタルデータを格納しません。それはちょうど良い顕微鏡で読むために40 000ミニチュアのページを収容することができます。シミュレーションによれば、ディスクは約百万年立つべきである。フランスはすでに10万年まで続くバージョンに取り組んでいる。

在磁盘上不存储数字数据。它能够容纳40 000个微型的网页,以了解只是一个良好的显微镜。根据模拟,磁盘应该站在约100万年。法国人已经工作的一个版本,将持续到10万。

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