Thursday, August 30, 2012

The most significant errors in the software

Some of them actually cost cash. And still others can cost as much as a large part of humanity lives.
World War III
In 1983, the world stood on the brink of nuclear annihilation, when the Soviet early warning systems officer on duty reported that the U.S. fired in the direction of the Soviet Union five ballistic missiles. Fortunately for the world, one of the Russians decided to check the alarm, because - as he put it - "had a funny feeling that if the Americans fired a missile attack by a lot more bullets." And he was right. The whole situation arose from errors in the Soviet software, which meant that the missiles were taken rays of the sun reflecting off the clouds. Phew.
Mariner 1 rocket
Launched in 1962 to explore the universe almost immediately after the start of the predetermined blown off course. Flight control center had to be destroyed after 293 seconds, so as not dug into the ground or into any building in the areas inhabited by humans. The reason for the strange behavior was a mistake rocket programmer who rewriting code from card to computer made one (ONE) a small mistake, which was enough to go crazy Marriner control systems.
Mars Climate Orbiter
Orbiter, which in 1998 was supposed to land on Mars, instead of actually settle on the surface of the Red Planet, it smashed into the spectacular. The reason was quite incredibly mundane. Artist navigation system programmed it according to imperial units, that is, yards, feet and inches, rather than according to the standard metric used by NASA. And more than $ 300 million through a shattered into dust in the blink of an eye.
Soviet pipeline explosion
In 1982, the Soviet Union bought from Canadians with a computer system to control the Trans-Siberian pipeline, although the Russians it was also about to learn the technology to create such systems. Such intentions of the buyers did not like the CIA and the Agency has introduced a few bugs in the system purchased by the enemy number 1 These errors eventually led to the outbreak of the pipeline, and even bang with a capital "W", because it was the largest non-nuclear explosion in the history of our planet.
From 1985-1987 the number of medical centers in the world for screening patients used machine called Therac-25. Unfortunately for her creation of the program, which is surprising in the case of equipment is so important for many people to live, responsible developers do not fully understands the principle of the Therac. Therefore, the device stated the much larger dose of radiation than it should. As a result, at least five people died and many others were injured. A similar situation occurred a few years later in the Panamanian National Cancer Institute, where he failed Multidata software, which destroyed the health of many people.

1983年、世界は核による全滅の瀬戸際に立っていた、当直時にソ連の早期警戒システム担当者は、米国がソ連5弾道ミサイルの方向に発射したと報告した。幸いなことに世界のために、ためにロシア人のいずれかが、アラームを確認することを決めた - 彼がそれを置くように - "アメリカ人はもっとたくさんの銃弾によってミサイル攻撃を発射した場合、そのおかしな感じがした。"そして、彼は正しかった。全体的な状況は、ミサイルが雲に反射する太陽の光を撮影したことを意味しましたソ連ソフトウェアのエラーから生じたものである。ふう。
ロシア人は、それはまた、そのようなシステムを作成するための技術を習得しようとしていたものの、1982年、ソ連は、シベリア·パイプラインを制御するためのコンピュータシステムとカナダ人から買った。バイヤーのような意図が米中央情報局(CIA)が好きではなかったと庁は敵の数が1で購入し、システム内のいくつかのバグを導入していますそれが私たちの惑星の歴史の中で最大の非核爆発だったので、これらのエラーは、最終的には、パイプラインの勃発につながった、さらには大文字の "W"のビッグバン。

1983年,世界核毁灭的边缘,站在苏联早期预警系统的值班人员报告说,美国发射的苏联弹道导弹的方向。幸运的是,世界上,一个俄国决定检查报警,因为 - 正如他所说的 - “有一种奇怪的感觉,如果美国发射了一枚导弹袭击了很多的子弹。”他是正确的。整个形势出现了错误,在苏联的软件,这意味着导弹太阳的光线反射出的云。唷。
轨道,它于1998年在火星着陆,而不是实际解决这个红色星球的表面上,它捣烂成壮观的。原因很令人难以置信的平凡。艺术家导航系统编程,根据英制单位,也就是说,码,英尺和英寸,而不是根据由美国航空航天局使用的标准度量。超过$ 300万美元通过一个破碎成尘在一眨眼的功夫。

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