Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ventilated clothing, namely pants with fan

Pants with self-ventilation system is quite bizarre way to survive the heat. Check up where dress code does not allow the wearing of shorts. A dress code which allows for wearing trousers with windmills?!
As you can see in the picture and you do not need to explain, the Japanese brand pants Kuchofuku built just the same mechanism that forces air circulation, which saves our computers from the frying. In addition to cooling, clothing has additional advantages, for example, will allow to gain the reputation of an eccentric (not to say eccentric) in one day.


自通风系统的裤子是相当离奇的方式来生存的热量。查看着装不允许穿短裤。 A字裙的代码,允许穿着长裤与风车?!

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