Some of the hacker group Anonymous are, to put it mildly, controversial. This time we showed the world what is in their best.
A man named "AnonVoldemort" decided to do something that will impress anonymous. His attention turned site that creates documentaries describing poverty in New Zealand. Profits from the sale of movies are transferred to charities that support the poor and needy children.
This, however, did not care Voldemort. He broke the security of a site and posted a message about it on Twitter. The man himself claims to be a member of the group LulzSec Reborn, even though most of its members have either disappeared from the network, or has been arrested.
Brian Bruce, the owner of Red Sky, asked on Twitter for help to repair the damage he has done a hacker. They helped themselves Anonymous. Not your day, and Bruce has had in his mailbox data hacker, 35-year-old resident of Madrid who shares lodgings with his mother.
- As it turned out, one of their rules is non-hacking sites involved in charity and helping kids. This guy wanted to impress them, he wanted to get into their group, praising their achievements. And they turned against him, and began to chase him. It's the other side of the group. I will not comment other their actions, but they were in the style of Robin Hood. I just decided that the bad has happened. It's amazing - Bruce reports.
- 結局のところ、それらのルールの一つは、慈善活動や助け子供に関わる非ハッキングサイトです。この男はそれらを感動させると思って、彼はその功績を賞賛する、それらのグループにしようと思っていた。そして、彼らは彼に背を向け、彼を追いかけるようになった。これは、グループの他の側だ。私は他の自分の行動をコメントしないだろうが、彼らはロビンフッドのスタイルにあった。私はちょうど悪いことが起こったと判断しました。それは驚くべきことだ - ブルース·レポート。
- 因为它横空出世,他们的规则之一是参与慈善事业,帮助孩子们的非黑客网站。这家伙要他们留下深刻的印象,他想进入他们的小组,称赞他们的成就。他们转而反对他,并开始追逐他。这是该组的另一面。我不会评论自己的行为,但他们在“罗宾汉”的风格。我刚刚决定,糟糕的事情。这是惊人的 - 布鲁斯报告。
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