Saturday, September 22, 2012

New Megaupload is no "change the world"

Many times have we heard the announcement that the service will change the Internet. But if something looks Kim Dotcom, it can be really hot.
Despite this (or perhaps precisely because) the founder of Megaupload he 's under the skin firmly federal, do not give up. It promises to restart page that "tip over the world upside down". We do not know exactly what you can expect (well, maybe except that one of the services - Megabox, will handle direct sales of music), but has now apparently ready to set free API for developers. Mega API, to be exact.
"Mega API has an amazing opportunity" to "change the world", says it Dotcom by inviting developers who develop file managers, mail utilities, VOIP, and video services.
Among the tools offered by Dotcom sure there will be a service on the fly encryption of all transferred files. According to the announcement hosting the U.S. will not be supported, but given the passage of the authorities of this country, it is not surprising news.

この(あるいはこそ)、皮膚の下のMegauploadの奴の創設しっかりと連邦にもかかわらず、あきらめてはいけない。それは "逆さまに世界転倒"したページを再起動することを約束する。我々は、あなたが期待することができます正確に何かわからない(まあ、多分サービスのその1を除いて - メガボックス、音楽の直接販売を処理する)が、今は明らかに開発者向けに無料でAPIを設定する準備ができています。メガAPIは、正確には。

尽管(也许正是因为互联星空他的皮肤下)的创始人牢牢联邦,不要放弃。它有望重新启动,世界各地的“冰山倒挂”的页面。我们不知道到底是什么,你可以预期好,也许除了的服务之一 - 美嘉欢乐,将处理直接销售的音乐,但现在显然是准备设置免费的API为开发人员。万API,是准确的。

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