Number of cyber attacks on the computer systems supporting infrastructure network in the U.S. has increased since 2009, almost 17-fold - said on Friday the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), which was first published data on this subject.
The attacks on computer systems control functions waterworks, power stations and mobile phone networks are responsible for both foreign hackers and criminals operating in the United States.
Cybercrime and its defense are the main topics of a four safety forum on the participation of government experts, which takes place in Aspen, Colorado.
General Keith Alexander, who is the head of the NSA and the newly created command for cyberspace (United States Cyber Command) did not give the exact number of attacks on the network responsible for the American infrastructure. Reuters points out, however, that the military announced earlier this month that the number of cyber attacks has increased from 9 in 2009 to over 160 last year.
Speaking at a forum in Aspen General Alexander noted that they do not connect with the alleged retaliation for an attack on computer systems in Iran, in charge of the local nuclear program.
"New York Times" recently revealed that a virus called Stuxnet was used against computers on Iran's nuclear facilities Natanzie, leading to damage to the centrifuges used in uranium enrichment. Although not officially confirmed that Stuxnet was created by the Americans, and some experts predicted retaliatory attacks on the network responsible for the infrastructure in the U.S.. General Alexander decided that there is no evidence.
The head of the U.S. National Security Agency, however, expressed concern over the increasing number of foreign cyber-attacks against the "critical infrastructure" and the lack of sufficient preparation of the United States for such action. Assessed the degree of preparation of the country "about 3" on a scale of 1 to 10
General Alexander also urged the U.S. Congress to enact a law that would give the government better tools to fight cybercrime and espionage network. The draft law on the matter this week gained support in the U.S. Senate, and probably will for a vote next week
米国でインフラストラクチャネットワークをサポートするコンピュータシステムに対するサイバー攻撃の数はほぼ17倍、2009年以降増加している - 最初にこのテーマに関するデータを発表した金曜日米国国家安全保障局(NSA)、明らかにした。
米国国家安全保障局(NSA)の頭部は、しかし、 "重要インフラ"とそのような行動のための米国の十分な準備不足に対する外国のサイバー攻撃の増加に懸念を表明した。 1から10のスケールで "約3"国の準備の程度を評価
支持基础设施网络的计算机系统在美国的网络攻击数量自2009年以来,增加了近17倍 - 上周五表示,美国国家安全局(NSA),这是第一次在这个问题上公布的数据。
然而,美国国家安全局的负责人表示关注,越来越多的国外网络攻击的“关键基础设施”和美国采取这样的行动缺乏足够的准备。 1到10的规模之国“3”的准备程度进行评估
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