What can I do to be completely safe from a computer, but rather what not to do in order to not expose your PC and yourself at risk?
First Do not use very simple passwords
Very often our most sensitive data, or simply to access your computer too simple password-protect. It is the name of sympathy, a cat or a dog, the basic sequence of digits (eg 12345), and date of birth. Meanwhile, every word or string of digits can be broken by hackers in a few seconds by using the so-called. dictionary attacks. How to protect yourself? Come up with a random combination of letters and numbers (including special characters using the shift key: @, #, $,%, &, etc.). You should also use at least one uppercase letter in the password.
Second Do not use the broadband internet without a firewall
When you leave the house, closing it with a key. When you leave your car in the parking lot, doing the same thing. Why, then, the computer would do otherwise? In a network of thousands of scammers lurking looking for vulnerable computers, which are the easiest targets. For them it does not matter if they know their victim, whether rich or poor. They attack anyone who left the door open to your computer. I do not have to live in the same city, country, or even on the same continent. The best protection against them are the firewalls that kind of hide your computer from looking for an easy target.
3rd Do not send passwords via e-mail or SMS
The password for the computer (and it contains sensitive data) is like a pin to a credit card - you should know it's just you and nobody else. But if you have to send it to someone, do not do it through unencrypted e-mail or sms. This information is extremely easy to take for even less seasoned hacker, and it's only a step to lose access to their data.
4th Never respond to suspicious links, questions, news
Typically, phishing network, called. phishing, are visible at a glance - messages are written in broken Polish and make us pay all the money somewhere. Some, however, are well-crafted and should be extremely vigilant. For instance, the still formidable welsoft program, which alleged creators impersonate in the mail at the police and trying to force the recipient to pay a few hundred U.S. Dollars for the PC release, but really it did not block the program, but only made such an impression.
5th Do not share your computer with a younger sibling.
Many teen loves anything free on the web - music, movies, games. Pulls them where they can, regardless of the lurking danger. Often, younger users are very familiar with the programs and other ways to download content from the Internet, but are not aware of the risks posed by P2P programs, and they are the true gold mines for all kinds of scammers. If anyone in the family will benefit from such programs (of course, the legal file-sharing), you might want to consider for this purpose a separate computer.
6th Do not install the free software from untrusted sources
Free software (in other words, the software license freeware) is one of the best things that can happen to us on the Internet. Provided that the charge be from trusted sources, rather than the links, which we found by accident. Top first read about the program that we are going to install, and it is best to download directly from the manufacturer or from well-known sites of the programs.
7th Do not open e-mails from strangers
And I certainly do not run the attachment, which in this email are. In addition to spam, which is harmless, but annoying mass mailing e-mails, electronic mail is the easiest way to deliver the consignment to someone in the form of unwanted malware, spy, and even phishing. So do not open the message, which apparently seem to be directed to you (in the title may have given your name), but their origin is unknown. Much more need to be careful to emails with attachments, even from friends.
8th Update software!
Regardless of whether it is a Windows operating system, Internet browser and music player, all software must be updated whenever there is a newer version. Not only because it will make it more functional and stable, but also because they may contain important security updates, like patches found loopholes through which hackers can gain access to the victim's computer.
9th Read before you click on anything
Do not kid yourself - maybe 5 percent of us read carefully all the terms and licenses when installing programs or accepting rules. For this rather you did not persuade, but it is good to know that such a "digitally signed". Most important, however, is to always read that link open, which install and if something is installed in addition to the program that we got married.
10th Common sense is the key
There are plenty of anti-virus software, a lot of security and a whole bunch of rules to be followed. Most important, however, to use common sense in any situation and think a little before the move to the Web.
コンピュータ用のパスワード(そして、それは機密データが含まれている)は、クレジットカードへのピンのようなものです - あなたが知っておくべきそれはちょうどあなたと他の誰だ。しかし、あなたが誰かにそれを送信する必要がある場合、それはを介して電子メールやSMSを非暗号化しない。この情報はさらに少ないベテランハッカーのために取ることは非常に簡単です、それだけで自分のデータへのアクセスを失うためのステップです。
一般的に、ネットワーク、フィッシングと呼ばれる。フィッシング、一目で見えるようになります - メッセージが壊れポーランド語で書かれており、私たちはどこかにすべてのお金を払わせている。いくつかは、しかし、よく練られており、非常に警戒すべきである。例えば、警察にメールで偽装クリエイターを主張し、PCのリリースを数百米ドルを支払うために受信者を強制しようとしてまだ手ごわいwelsoftプログラムが、実際にプログラムをブロックしませんでしたが、唯一のそのような印象を与えた。
音楽、映画、ゲーム - 多くのティーンエイジャーは、ウェブ上で無料のものを愛している。どこに彼らがすることができますに関係なく、潜んでいる危険性、それらを引っ張る。多くの場合、若いユーザーは、プログラムやインターネットからコンテンツをダウンロードするための他の方法に精通していますが、P2Pプログラムによってもたらされるリスクを認識していない、と彼らは詐欺師のすべての種類のための真の金鉱山である。家族の誰もがこのようなプログラム(もちろん、法的ファイル共有)の恩恵を受ける場合は、この目的のために別のコンピュータを考慮する必要があります。
自分で冗談はいけない - 多分私達の5%が慎重にすべての用語およびライセンスプログラムまたは受け入れルールをインストールお読みください。このためにはむしろあなたが説得しなかったが、それはそのような "デジタル署名された"ことを知って良いです。もっとも重要なものは、常に何かが私たちが結婚したことをプログラムに加えて、インストールされている場合にインストールして、そのリンクを開いて、読むことです。
密码的电脑(它包含了敏感数据)就像是一针信用卡 - 你应该知道,这只是你和其他人。但是,如果你必须把它的人,不要做它通过未加密的电子邮件或短信。这个信息是非常容易的,甚至经验较少的黑客,这只是一个步骤无法访问他们的数据。
通常情况下,网络钓鱼网络,被称为。网络钓鱼,是一眼可见的 - 信息都写在破波兰,使我们付出所有的钱的地方。然而,有些是制作,并应保持高度警惕。例如,的还厉害welsoft程序,它声称在警察的邮件的创造者模仿和试图强行收件人,以支付一个几百美元美元的PC版本,但确实它并没有阻止该程序,但只取得了这样的印象。
许多青少年喜欢在网络上的任何自由 - 音乐,电影,游戏。拉他们,不管他们可以潜伏的危险。通常情况下,年轻用户是非常熟悉的程序等方式,从互联网上下载内容,但不知道P2P软件所带来的风险,并为各种骗子,他们是真正的金矿。如果在家庭中的任何人都将受益于这样的程序(当然,法律文件共享),您可能要考虑用一台单独的计算机。
不要欺骗自己 - 也许5%的人,请仔细阅读所有的条款和许可证时,安装程序或接受的规则。对于这一点,而你并没有说服,但它是很好的了解,这样的“数字签名”。然而,最重要的是,总是读取,打开链接,安装,如果事情是我们结婚的程序,除了安装在。
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