Sunday, September 23, 2012

Premiere of the new iPhone may be postponed by problems with the screen

With all the fuss is Sharp, which was to provide new screens for the iPhone sixth generation. The problem is that the screens are not supposed to. Sharp probably still does not start mass production of the new iPhone screens due to production problems. Fortunately for Apple, Sharp is not the only company responsible for the production of components. Information published Wall Street Journal. The report shows that Sharp, a key supplier of LCD screens has planned to provide facilities for the end of August, while it did not happen. Information when the company will be able to start production and deliver screens remains unclear.
Apple have in store for two other companies responsible for the production of screens - Japan Display and LG Display, which are involved in the creation of the upcoming iPhone. The problem is, however, that Sharp was the largest supplier, and this can mean difficult availability of the new iPhone, or even the gear release.

日本ディスプレイ、LGディスプレイ、次期iPhoneの創造に関与している - Appleはスクリーンの生産を担当し、他2社のための店で持っている。問題は、シャープが世界最大のサプライヤであったこと、しかし、であり、これは困難な新しいiPhoneの可用性、または偶数ギアのリリースを意味することができます。

苹果在商店里的另外两家公司负责生产的屏幕 - 日本显示器,LG显示器,其中涉及在即将推出的iPhone创造的。然而,问题是,夏普是最大的供应商,而这也意味着很难获得新的iPhone,甚至齿轮释放。

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