Sunday, August 26, 2012

Confusion surrounding facebook addresses continues

Confusion surrounding facebook addresses continues

If you are not familiar in this - it is your fault. Or so says Facebook, blaming "confusion" users.

And everything was going to be that simple - replace all default mails and suddenly everyone starts to use Facebook mail servers. This would not be such a bad thing even (after mail in their settings can be easily changed to correct), the problem is that the Facebook mobile application converts the default e-mail addresses in the contacts stored on the phone at the addresses in the domain of social network. The application enforces changes in contacts without your knowledge or consent. At least it works for my Android, where I spent over an hour cleaning up considerable list of contacts. You can be seriously upset if someone tampers with the data stored in the phone even once asked the owner about the sentence, but the Facebook mobile application knows better, right? In addition, there are reports that the system is burdened with faults, and messages sent from mobile devices on the swapped very often do not reach the recipients.

In a statement sent to CNet social network spokeswoman said that users are "confused" and the whole thing can be explained in this way:

- By default, messages sent by friends and friends of friends getting unwanted messages. Everything else is the Other folder. Most likely, there are emails sent by other people. Even if a person is our friend on Facebook, and do not use Facebook email account, the message from it may be included in the Other folder.

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