Sunday, August 26, 2012

Valgus keyboard "thumbs" on smartphones with Windows Phone?

Visible in the picture displayed on the smartphone keypad to "leak" from the presentation of the labor of Microsoft Research. According to page WMPowerUser, a division of Microsoft that sets up innovative solutions refines curved virtual keyboard, which would hit the screens of smartphones. The site speculates that the software is being prepared with a view to Windows Phone eighth

Curved keyboard would facilitate the writing on the screen with your thumb, and a draft is created for users right-handed. To write in this way was actually a significant improvement, it is also necessary to develop excellent auto-complete and auto-correction algorithms.

Given that the keypad is presented at the HTC Trophy, it is possible that would act as a Windows Phone 7.8.

Without the ability to test the solution is to speculate, either in the shape of the keyboard actually proves to be "close thumb", intuitive and to streamline typing words, or on the contrary - only a few users find the keyboard for more comfortable. We'll see about that, if you actually bent the keyboard will be made available to users.

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