Thursday, August 30, 2012

Navigation inside the buildings? Now you can!

Scientists in Finland have developed a solution to help you navigate the unfamiliar building, where there is no GPS signal. This magnetic navigation that uses two simple magnetic sensors on the smartphone and a map of the building located on a server application provider - said, "Technology Review".
People have long used the compass to be able to safely travel in unfamiliar areas. Researchers at the University of Oulu in Finland, working for a small technology company Atlas Indoor decided to apply the same technology to facilitate movement in areas where the signal does not reach a normal GPS.
Researchers at the Indoor Atlas installed in the smartphone two magnetic sensors. Because the design of each building produces specific changes in Earth's magnetic field, such as dependent of building materials, parts of the building with the most disturbed magnetic field are a kind of "fixed points", which can be carried out according to the navigation.
Researchers from the University of Oulu for this purpose these maps combined major anomalies building its digital plans of the floors. Is created in this way, magnetic digital map, for example, placed in a cloud computing. Members of the smartphone, which are placed two magnetic sensors must only load the application, giving the address of the building where it is located. This will download the digital plan, magnetic, which will make it easier to move around.
There are many methods of movement in buildings where there is no GPS signal. A typical system used for this purpose is navigation by radio or network protocol that uses a Wi-Fi network. It is accurate to within 10 meters of magnetic navigation system, developed by scientists in Finland has an average accuracy of 10 cm to 2 m depending on the type of building (in buildings with massive reinforced concrete structure is less accuracy). This allows researchers to design on the basis of the magnetic navigation system such as motion observation systems for shopping centers, viewing, where the focus on potential customers.
Also, to aid the introduction of the navigation system developed by Atlas Indoor is that in the case of all types of magnetic sensors smartphones assembly is a simple matter, and the sensors themselves are very cheap.
He said, "Technology Review" Bruce Krulwich, an analyst of the mobile market with more than 40 Grizzly Analytics technology companies are currently working on the problem of indoor navigation. In his view, by 2016 this market will be 120 thousand. different types of maps for navigation solutions, based usually on the targeting of radio.
However, the radio signal is not always available, and by measuring the magnetic field can run forever, so analysts say Indoor Atlas solution has a good chance of career market and use by many application developers who apply them to create location-specific solutions such as for marketing and logistics company.

フィンランドの科学者たちは、GPS信号がない場合には、なじみのない建物を移動するためのソリューションを開発しました。スマートフォンとサーバ·アプリケーション·プロバイダーに位置し、建物の地図上に2つのシンプルな磁気センサを使用してこの磁気ナビゲーション - "テクノロジーレビュー"と述べた。
屋内アトラスの研究者は、スマートフォン二つの磁気センサに取り付けられています。各建物の設計は、このような依存として、地球の磁場の特定の変化を、生成するので、建材の、最も乱れた磁場を持つ建物の部分は、ナビゲーションに従って実施することができる "固定点"の一種である。
彼は "テクノロジーレビュー"ブルースKrulwich、40以上のグリズリーAnalyticsのテクノロジー企業との携帯電話市場のアナリストは、現在、屋内ナビゲーションの問題に取り組んでいる、と述べた。彼の見解では、2016年までにこの市場は12万なります。通常のラジオのターゲティングに基づいてナビゲーションソリューション用のマップの異なる種類の、。

在芬兰的科学家已经开发出一种解决方案,以帮助您浏览不熟悉的建筑,那里是没有GPS信号。这种磁导航技术,使用两个简单的磁传感器在智能手机和地图的建筑,位于服务器上的应用程序供应商 - 说,“技术评论”。

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