Thursday, August 30, 2012

News from the world looked for on YouTube

From published on Monday in the U.S. research shows that YouTube is the largest information platform, which date back to more and more users are material witnesses after the world's major events and natural disasters.
American organization Project for Excellence in Journalism at Washington's analytical center Pew Research Center presented the results carried out over 15 months of research the most popular videos on YouTube. As follows from the observation, this service is a dynamic platform where professional journalistic mix of information published by ordinary users.
It is the materials from individual service users make up one third of most viewed videos on YouTube.
The most popular event on YouTube from January 2011 to March 2012 (the audit period) was the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and among the most played videos of the disaster - materials derived from security cameras, news and Japanese coast guard vessels.
Other popular events were watched on YouTube, among others elections in Russia, the unrest in the Middle East or ship Costa Concordia accident in Italy.
The authors draw attention to the issue of the authenticity of videos distributed on YouTube. Although the site contains guidance on how to create handouts that they are not always followed, and movies begin to circulate the web, despite its uncertain sources.

2011年1月から2012年3月にYouTubeで最も人気のあるイベント(監査期間)は、日本の地震と津波だった、との間で最も災害の動画を再生 - 材料は、防犯カメラ、ニュース、日本の沿岸警備船に由来する。

从2011年1月至2012年3(审计期间)在YouTube上最流行的事件是日本大地震和海啸,其中播放次数最多的视频的灾难 - 来自安全摄像机,新闻和日本海上保安厅的船只。

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