Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Telephone booths as Wi-Fi hotspots

Telephone booths are a relic of the era of landline phones. I can not even remember the last time I used them. It seems that there are just so frustrated by some of what they had landed their aggression. Fortunately, appeared to be quite a sensible idea for the development of - change in public WiFi access points.
Exchange pilot program in hotspots payphones is carried out, unfortunately, in New York. The first ten telephone booths have already been excellently equipped for the antenna. Ultimately, 13,000 payphones in the city to be turned into free Wi-Fi access points.
The user only needs to be in the range accept the terms of service and free is free, and free use of the Internet.
Conversion of public telephone booths in WiFi hotspots is a great idea. Let us hope that in the near future also decide to use the Polish city of telephone booths so that today almost no one is needed, but the rules require them to maintain.

電話ブースは、固定電話の時代の遺物です。私も、私はそれらを使用した最後の時間を思い出すことができない。それはちょうどので、彼らは彼らの侵略を上陸させていたことのいくつかによってそこに不満を感じているようだ。公衆無線LANのアクセスポイントの変更 - 幸いなことに、開発のための非常に賢明な考えであるように見えた。

电话亭是固定电话的时代的遗物。我什至不记得我最后一次使用。似乎有一些他们降落的侵略只是很沮丧。幸运的是,出现的发展 - 公共WiFi接入点的变化是一个相当明智的想法。

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