The old saying is true that the music comes from your friends. As is clear from the presentation that leaked from the RIAA, the scale of the "problem" in the United States is several times larger than piracy.
Confidential report analyzing the source of the music, the RIAA has been delivered in April, but was never fully published. It states that for 65% of the music files in the last two years, no one paid circulation. If taken seriously all the campaigns RIAA would mean that the scale of piracy is huge. The problem lies in the fact that last year only 15% of the files came from P2P networks and 4% of the parties of the kind already closed, Megauploadu.
So why take almost half files music? Just as in the early nineties copied cassettes, so today is a friend copies CDs and mp3 files. Even if piracy on the Web magically ceased to exist tomorrow, still almost half the music no one would pay. In the light of these data it is not surprising that the RIAA has marked as confidential test results. Indeed it would appear that, according to point of view of collective management of copyright, the pirates are not evil incarnate and the customers who dare to friends, music that just like them. And it's not paying a dime for a license.
Fortunately, no one has had the idea to fight exchanging music between friends. So far, software pirates are convenient and a great enemy to that justifies the existence of organizations such as the RIAA. Because if they are not poor, inept artists have died of starvation.
The fight against piracy on the Net will therefore continue to go on, but most of the files for which they are paid, it does not come from the Internet. It is a lot easier than controlling every music lover for whether the case did not share the music with too many friends. Although in total the ACTA, SOPA, PIPA and other such ideas you can expect everything.
古い諺は、音楽があなたの友人から来ることは事実です。 RIAAから漏洩したプレゼンテーションから明らかなように、米国では "問題"の規模は、海賊行為よりも数倍大きい。
では、なぜほぼ半分pilików音楽を取る?カセットをコピーしただけで90年代前半のようなので、今日は友人のコピーのCDやmp3ファイルです。 Web上での海賊行為は魔法のように明日が消滅した場合でも、依然としてほぼ半分の音楽は誰も払わないだろう。これらのデータに照らして、それは、RIAAが機密試験結果としてマークされていることは驚くべきことではない。確かにそれは著作権の集団的管理の観点によると、海賊はちょうどそれらを好き悪の化身や友人にあえてお客様、音楽ではない、ように思われる。そして、それはライセンスのダイムを支払うことはない。
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