Thursday, August 30, 2012

Play on Google appeared harvesting application data from the proximity card payment

As reported by Symantec for Android phones there was an application that allowed for the acquisition of sensitive payment information from the card reader on your phone.
The bases of the application marked as Android.Ecardgrabber, she used the communication protocol called Near Field Communication (NFC) - a technology that appeared in the latest smartphones and allows the wireless exchange of information over short distances.
Android.Ecardgraber trying to get data from eight manufacturers of proximity cards for MasterCard and GeldKarte confirmed by successful download of data.
Allow the software to get the card number, expiry date of the card, expiration date, and bank account number - this information can be obtain from the card at a distance of 4 cm from the phone.
The application came up for Google Play on June 13 and was taken from 100 to 500 times before it was removed from service by the German investigating security issues. Although the application is not already on Google Play, and her action was effective only for a short distance, it shows that the issue of security of contactless cards will be one of the key in the near future.

最新のスマートフォンに登場し、短い距離でのワイヤレス情報交換を可能にする技術 - Android.Ecardgrabberとしてマークされたアプリケーションのベースは、彼女がフィールド通信(NFC)の近くと呼ばれる通信プロトコルを使用していました。
ソフトウェアは、カード番号、カードの有効期限、有効期限、銀行口座番号を取得することができます - この情報は、電話機から4cmの距離にあるカードから取得することができます。

标记为Android.Ecardgrabber的应用程序的基础,她使用的通信协议称为近场通信(NFC) - 一个出现在最新的智能手机,并允许在短距离的无线交换信息的技术。
让软件获得的卡号,卡的到期日,到期日,银行帐户号码 - 这些信息可以从卡中获得从手机的距离为4厘米。

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