Thursday, August 30, 2012

Scientists launched the world's most powerful laser

Deep underground, California, in the center, called Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's National Ignition Facility is a laser, which covers an area of ​​ten floors.
Earlier this month, scientists began to use his power in the study of thermonuclear fusion. July 5 192 generated laser beam that is focused at one point with a diameter of 2 millimeters. The result is a laser power of 500 trillion watts, the strongest I've ever managed to get.
It was not, however, attempt to break the Guinness world record. The researchers hope that thanks to an extremely powerful lasers in the future will initiate a controlled fusion reaction. For now, the way to achieve controlled nuclear fusion still far away, but with the laser target seems to be a step closer.

今月初めには、科学者たちは、熱核融合の研究に彼の力を使用するようになった。 2ミリメートルの直径で1点に集光される7月5日192生成されたレーザービーム。結果は500000000000000ワットのレーザーパワー、私が今まで得ることをどうにかしてきた最強です。

本月早些时候,热核聚变的研究中,科学家们开始使用他的权力。 7月5 192生成的激光束,它聚焦在一个点上的2毫米直径。其结果是激光功率为500万亿瓦时,我曾经得到最强的。

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